The human characters seem to go through the motions as the situation worsens in their town, leading to an attack on the town's hospital and the military deciding to level the town with a ballistic missile strike. Sadly, the majority of the film's cast doesn't add much to the narrative or the emotional stakes. As the creature continues on from the first AVP and begins a Xenomorph infestation in a small town in Colorado, a Predator named Wolf receives a distress signal from one of its dying comrades and heads to Earth to eliminate the Xenomorph threat. Its antagonist, the Xeno/Yautja hybrid known as the Predalien, is an awesome idea, but that's roughly the best thing this film has going for it. Predator, Requiem might have had more redeeming qualities if watchers could make out the back half of the movie with any clarity. RELATED: 'Predator' Prequel Movie Reveals Title, Release Window Now that Prey has given us the freshest dose of otherworldly action and suspense, it isn't a bad time to take a look back at the best (and worst) titles featuring the franchise's eponymous headhunter. Across the film franchises, the Predators have taken on more than a few worthy adversaries toe-to-toe, including the Xenomorphs themselves. Where the Xenomorph aims to reproduce and protect the hive, the Predators seek worthy challengers. The Predator is intelligent, technologically apt, and seeks out worthy prey to make trophies of. The Predator has found its way into various locales much like the Xenomorph of Alien, but this star-traveling killer has different ambitions in mind. Today, the Predator franchise and its titular creature (also known as Yautja) are going strong, with the newest entry known as Prey having been released on Hulu on August 5, 2022.

Where Alien spent much of its tenure in the realm of creeping horror, Predator began as an unabashed action franchise that evolved significantly over time to include elements of horror and even comedy. 20th Century Fox's prime rival to its popular Alienfranchise, the Predator franchise took the same premise of a murderous extraterrestrial threat in a much different direction.