The SenseWear Armband (SWA) (Bodymedia, Pittsburgh, PA) is a wireless, non-invasive physical activity monitor worn on the upper posterior of the left arm that has been previously validated for energy expenditure during free-living and structured physical activity with good levels of agreement with criterion measures. Portable accelerometers were developed to objectively measure physical activity and energy expenditure during free-living and structured physical activity. This disparity in the estimation of physical activity and subsequent energy expenditure (EE) levels among subjective and objective measures emphasizes the need for accurate, reliable and convenient assessment methods of physical activity among free-living adults. However, objective measures for assessing physical activity levels indicate that adherence to these guidelines, including the recommendation that physical activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 min, is less than 5 %. Self-reported physical activity from national physical activity surveillance system surveys reveal that only 45–50 % of US adults meet the recommended 150 min of physical activity per week. The Nike + Fuelband provided valid and reliable estimates of PAEE, that are similar to the previously validated SWA, during a routine that included approximately equal amounts of sedentary/light-, moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity.

Test-retest reliability for PAEE indicated good stability for Nike + Fuelband (ICC = 0.96) and SWA (ICC = 0.90). Both devices also displayed similar mean absolute percent errors for PAEE estimates (Nike + Fuelband = 16 ± 13 % SWA = 18 ± 18 %).

PAEE estimates provided by the Nike + Fuelband (246 ± 67 kcal) and SWA (238 ± 57 kcal) were not statistically different than OM (243 ± 67 kcal). The Nike + Fuelband (ICC = 0.77) and SWA (ICC = 0.61) both demonstrated moderate to good validity. Participants wore a Nike + Fuelband and SWA, while oxygen uptake was measured continuously with an Oxycon Mobile (OM) metabolic measurement system (criterion). Twenty-four participants ( n = 24) completed two, 60-min semi-structured routines consisting of sedentary/light-intensity, moderate-intensity, and vigorous-intensity physical activity.

Secondarily, we compared PAEE estimation of the Nike + Fuelband with the previously validated SenseWear Armband (SWA). Therefore, this study examined the validity and reliability of the Nike + Fuelband for estimating PAEE during physical activity in young adults. However, validation studies assessing the accuracy of this device for estimating PAEE are lacking. The Nike + Fuelband is a commercially available, wrist-worn accelerometer used to track physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) during exercise.