It was later revealed that Superman had merely lapsed into a deep coma, as Superman returned just in time to save the world from a new menace in The Return of Superman. The story focused upon the battle between Superman and the alien creature dubbed Doomsday, with Superman managing to defeat the apparently mindless monster at the cost of his own life.

Released in 1992 to high praise and huge sales, the original The Death of Superman would become one of the most influential comic books of what is commonly known today as The Dark Age of Comics. While not elaborating on precisely why that is so, O'Connell's comments may hint at some big changes to the infamous villain, in this animated adaptation of the classic comic book storyline.

Voice actor Jerry O'Connell, who plays the role of Superman in the upcoming animated project The Death of Supermansays that the movie has a "scary good" version of Doomsday.